Monday, July 25, 2011

My Rainy Day Food


Yak hari ini gw bener2 cuma seharian di rumah. Mengapa? 
1. Kalo gw jalan ngalor ngidul ke City yg ada malah jadi belanja yg ga penting and kegiatan tersebut dapat membuat dompet saya menjadi sangat "tipis"
2. Di luar ujan and moment seperti ini emang paling tepat buat berdiam diri saja di rumah
3. My holiday is ALMOST over! :( HUAAAA! so mendingan save energy for my MORNING CLASS tomorrow, fufufu.

TAPI hasil berdiam diri gw di rumah ternyata menghasilkan sesuatu, AHEM. So pas tadi bangun pagi, keluar kamar and merasakan udara yg dingin sejuk empuk, gw langsung kepikiran mau makan yg anget2 gimana gituuu tapi manis and nothing better than eating HOT SOUFFLE! ;)


SUEERRR (anyway, udah lama banget gak ngomong suer) ini enak bangettt! Terus makannya tuh pas masih fresh from the oven! Gila mennn, kan gw ada bikin 2 large ramekins gitu and gw hampir khilaf donggg... Hampir aja gw lahap dua2nya sekaligus! Tapi karena hati kecil gw berbisik, "Cing, sadar berat badan pliss." akhirnya 1 porsi gw kasih ke housemate gw, 1 nya lagi buat gw tapi baru gw makan setengah. Nah setengahnya lagi buat entar malem deh... HIHIHIHI (sama aja dong tetep bikin gendut) Anyway... daripada lu orang ber-ngiler and ber-ngeces ria, ada baiknya mending gw bagi aja recipe si Hot Souffle ini. Ngebuat nih souffle emang a bit ribet sih tapi worth it kok! Pengorbanan dan kenikmatan dari souffle nya itu setimpal :p hehehehee. So, here's the recipe for HOT SOUFFLE!

- 40g butter
- 30g caster sugar
- 30g cake flour
- 100ml milk
- 5ml vanilla essence
- 3 egg yolks
- 4 egg whites and 30g caster sugar
- 50g icing sugar

1. Melt butter then blend in sugar and flour together to form a paste. Cook for 2-3 mins.
2. Place the milk and vanilla in a pan and bring to the boil.
3. Add the milk slowly to the paste and stir to the boil, cook for 2-3 mins. Remove from the heat and allow the panada to cool slightly.
4. For the egg yolks, mix one at a time into the panada beating well. Panada must not be over 65⁰C. 
5. For egg whites and caster sugar, place in a clean bowl and whisk to 3/4 volume, firm not dry, rain in sugar and whisk to firm soft peak. Add one quarter of the whites to the panada and mix until smooth. Carefully fold in the remaining egg whites. Use a metal spoon with a cutting and turning action to retain as much air as possible. Once all the egg white has been folded in, pour into pre-prepared moulds and place in an oven set at 210⁰C for 12mins (8 x small yield), 15 mins (5 x medium yield), 20 mins (3 x large yield). 
6. Carefully remove from the oven and quickly dust the souffles with the icing sugar and serve immediately.

*don't forget to grease the ramekins with melted butter then dust the ramekins with sugar.

Nah untuk yg mau mencoba recipe ini di kemudian hari, selamat mencuba yaaa! ;)

Yauda deh, gw laper (lagi) terus belom mandi pula (dari pagi). Cao dulu ya guys buat makan souffle lagi terus mandi terus ngeblog lagii :3 

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